Welcome to SAB 2022!


Amphitheatre E1, 2 Avenue Adolphe Chauvin, Saint Martin campus, CY Cergy Paris Université, 95300 Pontoise, Cergy-Pontoise, France, and Online.


Scope of the Conference

The objective of this interdisciplinary conference is to bring together researchers in computer science, artificial intelligence, artificial life, control, robotics, neurosciences, ethology, evolutionary biology and related fields in order to further our understanding of the behaviours and underlying mechanisms that allow natural and artificial animals to adapt and survive in uncertain environments. The conference will focus on models of adaptive behavior and its underlyng mechanisms, and on experiments grounded on well-defined models including robot models, computer simulation models and mathematical models designed to help characterise and compare various organisational principles or architectures underlying adaptive behaviour in real animals and in synthetic agents, the animats.

Relevant Research Areas

SAB2022 solicits contributions dealing with any aspect of adaptive behaviour in natural and artificial systems. Typical, but not exclusive, topics of interest are:

  • The animat approach
  • Sensory-motor coordination, motor control
  • Body and brain co-evolution
  • Self-assembling and self-replication
  • Action selection, behavioral sequencing
  • Navigation and mapping
  • Internal models and representations
  • Evolution, development, learning ad adaptation
  • Collective and social behavior
  • Applied adaptive behavior
  • Motivation and emotion
  • Communication and language
  • Emergent structures and behaviors, dynamical systems approaches
  • Neural correlates of behavior
  • Evolutionary and co-evolutionary approaches
  • Minimal intelligence, plant intelligence
  • Bio-inspired and hybrid robotics
  • Autonomous robotics
  • Humanoid robotics
  • Cognitive and developmental robotics
  • Software agents and virtual creatures
  • Philosophical and psychological issues
  • Animats in education and healthcare, animats and society

Conference Format

Following the tradition of SAB, the conference will be single track with additional poster sessions. There will also be a day of tutorials and workshops prior to the main conference.

The conference will have a HYBRID format, with on-site participation at CY Cergy Paris Université (in the Paris region), France, and an option for online participation.

Contact e-mails:

  • sab2022@sciencesconf.org - general queries
  • sab2022-chair@sciencesconf.org - to reach the General Chairs only
  • sab2022-submissions@sciencesconf.org - queries regarding submissions (to reach the Program Chairs)
  • sab2022-workshsops@sciencesconf.org - tutorial and workshop proposal submissions and queries
  • sab2022-webmaster@sciencesconf.org - to reach the webmaster
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